Abrir Ejercicios Ingles A An The Some Any – PDF
Teoria : Ejemplos y Explicacion A An The Some Any Ingles
A, an, the, some, any are English articles which are used before nouns or noun equivalents and are a type of adjective. They are also called determiners. The articles in English are invariable.
We use a/»an» before a noun which is singular and has a vowel sound:
- a book
- a university
- an apple
- an hour
- an MP
We use the before a noun which is singular or plural, with a consonant sound:
- the book
- the university
- the apple
- the hour
- the MP
We use the before a noun which is plural, with a vowel sound:
- the books
- the apples
- the hours
We use the before a noun which refers to a particular person or thing:
- the President
- the Prime Minister
- the Queen
- the Earth
- the Sun
We use the before a noun which refers to a whole class of things or people:
- the motor industry
- the English language
- the upper classes
- the police
We use the with particular places which have already been mentioned or are unique:
- I live in the USA.
- He comes from the Netherlands.
- Do you work in the City?
- I’d like to visit the Pyramids.
- We take the Tube to work.
We use the with particular geographical areas:
- the Middle East
- the Far East
- the North
- the South
We use the with some names of countries:
- the United States
- the United Kingdom
- the People’s Republic of China
We do not use the with names of most countries:
- France
- Germany
- Italy
- Japan
We use the with some organisations:
- the United Nations
- the European Union
We use the with some newspapers:
- the Times
- the Guardian
- the Daily Telegraph
We use the with some well-known buildings:
- the Empire State Building
- the Eiffel Tower
- the Statue of Liberty
We use the with some well-known hotels:
- the Hilton
- the Waldorf Astoria
We use the with some musical groups:
- the Beatles
- the Rolling Stones
We use the with some adjectives, to refer to a whole group of people:
- the rich
- the poor
- the old
- the young
We sometimes use the with a superlative adjective, to refer to a particular group of people:
- He’s the richest man in the world.
- This is the best hotel in town.
We use the with some nouns to talk about particular events:
- the Olympic Games
- the Second World War
We use the with some singular nouns which refer to a particular time:
- the future
- the past
- the present
We use the with some singular nouns which refer to a particular day:
- the day
- the night
- the morning
- the afternoon
- the evening
We use the with some singular nouns which refer to a particular season:
- the winter
- the summer
- the autumn
- the spring
We use the with some singular nouns which refer to a particular month:
- the month
- the year
We use the with some singular nouns which refer to a particular holiday:
- the Christmas
- the New Year
We use the with ordinal numbers:
- the first
- the second
- the third
- the fourth
- the fifth
We use the with some nouns which refer to a particular thing:
- the sea
- the sky
- the ground
- the world
- the weather
We use the with a few other nouns:
- the cinema
- the theatre
- the television
- the radio
- the hotel
- the bed
We use the with some nouns which refer to a particular subject:
- the history
- the mathematics
We use the with some standard measures:
- the kilogram
- the litre
- the mile
We use the with some uncountable nouns to mean ‘a particular type or class’:
- the rich
- the poor
- the young
- the old
- the blind
- the deaf
We use the with some plural nouns to mean ‘the members of a particular group’:
- the police
- the jury
- the aristocracy
- the upper classes
We use the before some nouns when we are talking about a particular job:
- He’s the manager.
- She’s the secretary.
- I was elected the chairman.
We use the before some nouns when we are talking about a particular relationship:
- He’s the doctor.
- She’s the patient.
- I’m the father.
We use the before some nouns when we are talking about a particular role which someone has:
- He’s the host.
- She’s the guest.
We use the before some nouns when we are talking about a particular activity:
- I love the theatre.
Ejercicios con soluciones de Ingles A An The Some Any
Ejercicios para completar con soluciones de Ingles A An The Some Any
En esta lección, vamos a practicar los usos de los artículos a/an/the/some/any en inglés. Completa las frases siguientes con la forma correcta del artículo que corresponda:
1) I have _____ apple. (a/an/the/some/any)
2) We want _____ milk. (a/an/the/some/any)
3) She has _____ orange. (a/an/the/some/any)
4) They want _____ water. (a/an/the/some/any)
5) We have _____ bananas. (a/an/the/some/any)
1) I have an apple.
2) We want some milk.
3) She has an orange.
4) They want some water.
5) We have some bananas.
Los artículos a/an/the se usan para hablar de un/una cosa en particular. Los artículos some/any se usan para hablar de cualquier cosa.
I have an apple.
Tengo una manzana.
We want some milk.
Queremos leche.
Los artículos a/an se usan con palabras que empiezan con consonante. Los artículos an se usan con palabras que empiezan con vocal.
a book – un libro
an apple – una manzana
an orange – una naranja
Los artículos the se usan cuando la persona que habla y la persona a quien habla saben de qué están hablando. También se usa the para hablar de cosas únicas.
the sun – el sol
the moon – la luna
the sky – el cielo
Los artículos some y any se usan para hablar de cantidades (algunos/algunas/unos/unas) o cosas en general (cualquiera).
Can I have some water, please? – ¿Puedo tomar un poco de agua, por favor?
Do you want any coffee? – ¿Quieres un poco de café?
Los artículos some y any también se pueden usar para hacer preguntas.
Is there any sugar? – ¿Hay azúcar?
Are there some apples? – ¿Hay manzanas?
Los artículos some y any también se pueden usar para hablar de cantidades (algunos/algunas/unos/unas) o cosas en general (cualquiera).
Can I have some water, please? – ¿Puedo tomar un poco de agua, por favor?
Do you want any coffee? – ¿Quieres un poco de café?
Los artículos some y any también se pueden usar para hacer preguntas.
Is there any sugar? – ¿Hay azúcar?
Are there some apples? – ¿Hay manzanas?
Abrir Ejercicios A An The Some Any Ingles – PDF