Ejercicios Ingles Adverbios De Modo

Ejercicios Ingles Adverbios De Modo PDF

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Teoria – Explicacion y Ejemplos Ingles Adverbios De Modo

Los adverbios de modo indican la manera en que se realiza una acción. En inglés, se pueden colocar delante o detrás del verbo principal de la frase. Algunos de los adverbios de modo más comunes son: almost, alone, always, badly, best, better, easily, enough, fairly, hard, hardly, just, little, long, mostly, nearly, never, only, quite, rather, really, slowly, soon, still, badly, y well.

Observe los ejemplos a continuación:

  • He always arrives late for work. (Llega tarde al trabajo)
  • She alone understands me. (Ella sola me entiende)
  • They barely know each other. (Apenas se conocen)
  • We hardly ever see them. (Casi nunca los vemos)
  • I just finished my homework. (Acabo de terminar mi tarea)
  • She merely suggested that we meet for coffee. (Sólo sugirió que nos tomáramos un café)
  • Mostly I drink water, but sometimes I drink tea. (La mayoría de las veces bebo agua, pero a veces bebo té)
  • They nearly missed their plane. (Casi se pierden el avión)
  • I never drink cola. (Nunca bebo refrescos)
  • We only drink water at home. (En casa sólo bebemos agua)
  • She quite enjoys her job. (Le gusta bastante su trabajo)
  • I really need to focus on my work. (De verdad necesito concentrarme en mi trabajo)
  • He scarcely ever eats breakfast. (Casi nunca desayuna)
  • She simply doesn’t understand. (No lo entiende sencillamente)
  • They soon realized their mistake. (Pronto se dieron cuenta de su error)
  • I still haven’t finished my homework. (Todavía no he terminado mi tarea)
  • He works very hard. (Trabaja muy duro)
  • She works hard. (Ella trabaja duro)

Ejercicios con soluciones de Ingles Adverbios De Modo

Los adverbios de modo sirven para indicar la forma en que se realiza una acción. En inglés, los adverbios de modo se colocan normalmente delante del verbo principal. También se pueden colocar después del verbo auxiliar o del verbo de modo, así como al final de la frase. A continuación, se presentan algunos ejercicios para practicar el uso de los adverbios de modo en inglés.

Ejercicio 1: Completa las frases siguientes con la forma correcta del adverbio de modo entre paréntesis. 1. They always (carefully) open the door. 2. I (quickly) ran to the store. 3. He (slowly) walks to school. 4. We (loudly) talked in class. 5. She (barely) passed the test. 6. I (finally) finished my homework. 7. They (hardly) ever come to visit. 8. I (immediately) stopped what I was doing. 9. He (scarcely) had time to eat breakfast. 10. We (simply) don’t like them.

Ejercicio 2: Escribe las frases siguientes usando los adverbios de modo entre paréntesis. 1. (Happily) she sang a song. 2. (Angrily) he threw the book across the room. 3. (Sorrowfully) they left the country. 4. (Greedily) he ate all the cookies. 5. (Clumsily) she dropped the vase. 6. (Eagerly) they waited for the snow to melt. 7. (Nervously) he fidgeted in his seat. 8. (Carelessly) she left her phone at home. 9. (Bravely) he fought the dragon. 10. (Lazily) they slept all day.

Ejercicio 3: Escribe las oraciones siguientes usando los adverbios de modo entre paréntesis. 1. (Occasionally) I go out on weekends. 2. (Rarely) she eats breakfast. 3. (Seldom) they visit their grandparents. 4. (Usually) I wake up at 6:00 a.m. 5. (Often) she reads before bed. 6. (Regularly) he goes to the gym. 7. (Sometimes) I forget my keys. 8. (Typically) she has a sandwich for lunch. 9. (Continuously) he studies for exams. 10. (Briefly) I explained the situation.

Ejercicio 4: Escribe las preguntas siguientes usando los adverbios de modo entre paréntesis. 1. How (quickly) can you run? 2. How (slowly) does he walk? 3. How (loudly) did you talk in class? 4. How (barely) did she pass the test? 5. How (finally) did you finish your homework? 6. How (hardly) do they ever come to visit? 7. How (immediately) did you stop what you were doing? 8. How (scarcely) did he have time to eat breakfast? 9. How (simply) don’t you like them? 10. How (happily) did she sing the song?

Ejercicio 5: Escribe las frases siguientes usando los adverbios de modo entre paréntesis. 1. (Correctly) answer the question. 2. (Incorrectly) they fill out the form. 3. (Successfully) she completed the project. 4. (Unsuccessfully) he tried to fix the car. 5. (Unfortunately) the plane was delayed. 6. (Fortunately) they found a hotel. 7. (Personally) I don’t like sushi. 8. (Publicly) he announced his candidacy. 9. (Privately) she told me her secret. 10. (officially) they haven’t released the results yet.

Ejercicio 6: Escribe las frases siguientes usando los adverbios de modo entre paréntesis. 1. (Clearly) she explained the situation. 2. (Vaguely) he described the person he saw. 3. (Precisely) at 3:00 p.m. we will meet. 4. (Incredibly) she ran the marathon in 2 hours. 5. ( unbelievably) he caught the fish with his bare hands. 6. (Certainly) they will come to the party. 7. (Possibly) we will go on vacation next year. 8. (Probably) she is at home. 9. (Definitely) he is the best candidate. 10. (Certainly not) I will not do that!

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Ejercicios Adverbios De Modo Ingles PDF