Ejercicios Am Is Are Ingles – PDF

Ejercicios Am Is Are Ingles PDF

Abrir Ejercicios Am Is Are Ingles – PDF

Teoria – Explicacion y Ejemplos Ingles Am Is Are

In English, there are three present tense forms of to be: am, is, and are. Which form you use depends on the subject of your sentence. Here’s a quick rundown of how to use each form.


Use am when the subject is I. For example:

  • I am a student.
  • I am happy.


Use is when the subject is he, she, it. For example:

  • She is a teacher.
  • It is raining.


Use are when the subject is you, we, they. For example:

  • We are friends.
  • You are smart.
  • They are late.

Ejercicios con soluciones de Ingles Am Is Are

Ejercicios para completar con soluciones de Ingles Am Is Are

1. I am a student.

2. You are my friend.

3. He is from Spain.

4. She is my sister.

5. It is a cat.

6. We are from Argentina.

7. You are my best friend.

8. They are my cousins.

Abrir Ejercicios Ingles Am Is Are – PDF

Ejercicios Am Is Are Ingles PDF