Ejercicios Any Some Ingles

Ejercicios Ingles Any Some PDF

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Teoria – Explicacion y Ejemplos Any Some Ingles

Any and some are both used when we want to refer to an indefinite number or quantity of something. They can both be used with countable and uncountable nouns. They are often used with a plural noun.

We use any when we are not thinking of a specific number or quantity and we don’t need to be specific:

  • There are a lot of people in the office today. Is there any coffee left?
  • Can I borrow any of your pens? I’ve run out of ink.
  • We’ve got some friends coming over for dinner tonight.

We can use any with both countable and uncountable nouns:

  • I’ve got some work to do. Do you want to do any?
  • She didn’t buy any bread, so there isn’t any for toast.
  • We’ve got some friends coming over for dinner tonight.

We can also use any with a singular noun, although this is less common:

  • I’ve got some work to do. Do you want to do any?
  • She didn’t buy any bread, so there isn’t any for toast.
  • Is there any chance you could help me with my homework?

We use some when we are thinking of a specific number or quantity, or when we need to be specific:

  • We’ve got some friends coming over for dinner tonight.
  • Could you buy some bread on your way home? We need it for toast.
  • I’ve only got some money left. I’ll have to go to the bank tomorrow.

We can use some with both countable and uncountable nouns:

  • We’ve got some friends coming over for dinner tonight.
  • Could you buy some bread on your way home? We need it for toast.
  • I’ve only got some money left. I’ll have to go to the bank tomorrow.

If we want to be more polite, we can use some:

  • Can I borrow some of your pens? I’ve run out of ink.
  • Do you mind if I turn some of the lights off? I’m trying to save on the electricity bill.

We can also use some to mean a certain amount or number, especially when we are referring to a small quantity:

  • I’ve only got some money left. I’ll have to go to the bank tomorrow.
  • He’s got some really good ideas.
  • I think she’s only got some of the information. She’s not telling us everything.

We can use some with a plural noun, although this is less common:

  • We’ve got some friends coming over for dinner tonight.
  • Could you buy some bread on your way home? We need it for toast.
  • I’ve only got some money left. I’ll have to go to the bank tomorrow.

Ejercicios con soluciones de Ingles Any Some

Ejercicios para completar con soluciones de Ingles Any Some

Para practicar y mejorar nuestro inglés, resolver ejercicios es una excelente idea. Hoy en día, con la cantidad de recursos que tenemos a nuestra disposición, encontrar ejercicios para practicar no es nada complicado. Lo cierto es que, a veces, resulta difícil saber cuáles son los mejores ejercicios para nosotros.

En este artículo, te proponemos una serie de ejercicios de gramática básica para que practiques y mejores tu inglés. Se trata de ejercicios con soluciones, para que puedas comprobar tu progreso y, si lo necesitas, corregir tus errores.

Estos ejercicios están orientados a estudiantes de nivel intermedio e, incluso, avanzado de inglés. Aunque algunos de ellos puedan parecerte sencillos, te sorprenderá la cantidad de errores que se pueden cometer cuando no se tiene el hábito de hablar y/o escribir en inglés con cierta frecuencia.

¡No te desanimes si al principio te cuesta un poco! Con un poco de práctica y constancia, seguro que mejoras enseguida.

¿Estás listo/a para ponerte a prueba? ¡Empecemos!

Ejercicio nº 1: Completa las oraciones con ANY o SOME

Completa las siguientes oraciones usando la palabra ANY o SOME.

I don’t want any / some coffee. I don’t like coffee.
Can I have any / some information about the hotel, please?
I’m sorry, we don’t have any / any rooms available.
Is there any / some chance that you could help me?
Could I ask you for any / some advice?
Do you have any / some plans for the weekend?


I don’t want any coffee. I don’t like coffee.
Can I have some information about the hotel, please?
I’m sorry, we don’t have any rooms available.
Is there any chance that you could help me?
Could I ask you for some advice?
Do you have any plans for the weekend?

Ejercicio nº 2: Usa la palabra ANY o SOME en las preguntas

Usa la palabra ANY o SOME para hacer las siguientes preguntas.

1. Is there ____________ chance that we can meet tomorrow?
2. Would you like ____________ water?
3. Can I have ____________ information about the conference, please?
4. I’m sorry. We don’t have ____________ rooms available.
5. ____________ time do you have?
6. ____________ people were at the party.


1. Is there any chance that we can meet tomorrow?
2. Would you like any water?
3. Can I have some information about the conference, please?
4. I’m sorry. We don’t have any rooms available.
5. What time do you have?
6. Some people were at the party.

Ejercicio nº 3: Completa las frases usando la forma correcta de la palabra ANY

Completa las siguientes frases usando la forma correcta de la palabra ANY.

1. I’m sorry, we don’t have ____________ rooms available.
2. Can I have ____________ information about the conference, please?
3. ____________ time do you have?
4. ____________ people were at the party.


1. I’m sorry, we don’t have any rooms available.
2. Can I have some information about the conference, please?
3. What time do you have?
4. Some people were at the party.

Ejercicio nº 4: Escribe oraciones usando la forma correcta de la palabra SOME

Escribe oraciones usando la forma correcta de la palabra SOME.

1. ____________ coffee, please.
2. ____________ water, please.
3. ____________ information about the conference, please.
4. ____________ people were at the party.


1. Some coffee, please.
2. Some water, please.
3. Some information about the conference, please.
4. Some people were at the party.

Ejercicio nº 5: Usa la palabra ANY para hacer preguntas en inglés

Usa la palabra ANY para hacer preguntas en inglés.

1. Is there ____________ chance that we can meet tomorrow?
2. ____________ time do you have?
3. ____________ people were at the party.


1. Is there any chance that we can meet tomorrow?
2. What time do you have?
3. Some people were at the party.

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Abrir Ejercicios Any Some Ingles – PDF

Ejercicios Any Some Ingles PDF