Ejercicios Ingles Articulos A An The – PDF

Ejercicios Articulos A An The Ingles PDF

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Teoria – Explicacion y Ejemplos Articulos A An The Ingles

A/An and The are both indefinite articles that we use before nouns. They both signal that the noun they introduce is not specific. The main difference is that a is used before words that start with a consonant sound, and an is used before words that start with a vowel sound. Let’s look at some examples to see how this works.

We use a before words that start with a consonant sound, regardless of how the word is spelled:

  • a dog
  • a cat
  • a man
  • a woman
  • a school
  • a university

We use an before words that start with a vowel sound, regardless of how the word is spelled:

  • an apple
  • an orange
  • an hour
  • an honorable man

Sometimes, the spelling of a word can be deceiving. For example, the word unit starts with a y, which is usually a consonant, but the y in this word has a vowel sound, so we use an:

  • an hour
  • an honor
  • an heir

The same is true of words that start with u:

  • a university
  • a European country
  • a unique opportunity

The is also an indefinite article, but it is used to talk about specific things. We use the when we are talking about something that both the speaker and the listener know about, or when there is only one of something:

  • the sun
  • the moon
  • the sky
  • the earth
  • the president of the United States
  • the first person in line

A/An and The are both articles, but they are used in different situations. Pay attention to whether the noun you are using is specific or not, and whether you are talking about something that both the speaker and listener know about. If you can remember these simple rules, you will be able to use a/an and the correctly.

Ejercicios con soluciones de Ingles Articulos A An The

A pesar de que el inglés es un idioma universal, aún existen muchas personas que no lo dominan del todo. Por eso, hoy te traemos unos ejercicios para completar con soluciones de inglés, específicamente de los artículos a, an y the.

Los artículos a, an y the se usan para hablar de algo o alguien específico o no específico. Por ejemplo, en la frase «I have a dog», el artículo «a» se usa para hablar de un perro en particular. En cambio, en la frase «I want a dog», el artículo «a» se usa para hablar de un perro en general.

Veamos ahora los ejercicios. Lee las frases y completálas con el artículo correcto.

1. I have _____ new car.

a) a b) an c) the

2. She’s from _____ United States.

a) a b) an c) the

3. This is _____ book that I’m looking for.

a) a b) an c) the

4. _____ man over there is my father.

a) a b) an c) the

5. I have _____ headache.

a) a b) an c) the

6. We went to _____ park.

a) a b) an c) the

7. I live in _____ city.

a) a b) an c) the

8. _____ girl in front of me is my sister.

a) a b) an c) the

9. I have _____ cold.

a) a b) an c) the

10. We’re going to _____ movies.

a) a b) an c) the

¿Qué tal te fue? Si necesitas ayuda, aquí tienes las soluciones:

1. I have a new car.

2. She’s from the United States.

3. This is the book that I’m looking for.

4. The man over there is my father.

5. I have a headache.

6. We went to the park.

7. I live in a city.

8. The girl in front of me is my sister.

9. I have a cold.

10. We’re going to the movies.

Con estos ejercicios, ya no tienes excusa para no dominar los artículos a, an y the. ¡Anímate a practicar y mejorar tu inglés día a día!

Abrir Ejercicios Articulos A An The Ingles – PDF

Ejercicios Ingles Articulos A An The PDF