Ejercicios Ingles Between Under On In

Ejercicios Ingles Between Under On In PDF

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Teoria – Explicacion y Ejemplos Between Under On In Ingles

Most English speakers know that there are certain words we use when talking about location. For example, we use the word in when talking about something inside of something else. Likewise, we use the word on when talking about something that is resting on something else. However, many English speakers find it difficult to know when to use the words between and under. In this article, we will take a look at the differences between these words and how to use them correctly.

The word between is used when there are two things and you need to specify the space that is between them. For example, you might say, «I am standing between the two buildings.» This means that there is a space around you on both sides. You can also use between when there are more than two things, as long as they are grouped together in pairs. For example, you might say, «There are three people between the two cars.» In this sentence, there are three people, each standing next to a car.

The word under is used when something is beneath something else. For example, you might say, «The cat is under the table.» This means that the cat is not on top of the table, but rather underneath it. You can also use under when talking about something that is covered by something else. For example, you might say, «The blanket is under the bed.» This means that the blanket is not on top of the bed, but rather underneath it.

The word on is used when something is resting on something else. For example, you might say, «The book is on the table.» This means that the book is not underneath the table or between the legs of the table. Rather, it is resting on top of the table. You can also use on when talking about something that is attached to something else. For example, you might say, «The picture is on the wall.» This means that the picture is not sitting on the floor or on top of the dresser. Rather, it is attached to the wall.

The word in is used when something is inside of something else. For example, you might say, «The cat is in the box.» This means that the cat is not outside of the box or on top of the box. Rather, it is inside of the box. You can also use in when talking about something that is contained by something else. For example, you might say, «The apple is in the basket.» This means that the apple is not outside of the basket or sitting on top of the basket. Rather, it is contained inside of the basket.

Remember, the word between is used when there are two things and you need to specify the space that is between them. The word under is used when something is beneath something else. The word on is used when something is resting on something else. The word in is used when something is inside of something else.

Ejercicios con soluciones de Ingles Between Under On In

Ejercicios para completar con soluciones de Ingles

Exercises to complete with English solutions


We use between when we are referring to two things. We use it:

With two people or things, when we say that one person is in the middle of the other two:

  • There’s a table between the two chairs.
  • I was standing between Paul and John.

To say that something is in the space that separates two people or things:

  • Can you put this book on the shelf between those two?
  • There’s a crack between the door and the frame.


We use under when we are referring to something that is lower than something else, often so that it is completely covered by it:

  • The cat is under the table.
  • Can you see the boat under the bridge?

We also use under to say that something is lower in degree or quantity than the level that is usual or necessary:

  • His temperature is still under 37 degrees.
  • We’re running low on petrol. We’ll have to stop soon.


We use on when we are referring to the surface that something is touching:

  • There’s a vase on the table.
  • Can you see the cat on the roof?

We also use on to say that something is in a particular position in a series:

  • I live on the second floor.
  • What page are we on? We’re on page four.


We use in when we are referring to the inside of something:

  • There’s somebody in the house.
  • I left my keys in the car.

We also use in to say that something is surrounded by something else:

  • The earth is in space.
  • The ring is in the box.

We use in to say that something is happening during a particular period of time:

  • I was born in 1980.
  • What are you doing in the holidays?

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Ejercicios Ingles Between Under On In PDF