Ejercicios Ingles Futuro Will Going To Present Continuous

Ejercicios Futuro Will Going To Present Continuous Ingles PDF

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Teoria – Explicacion y Ejemplos Ingles Futuro Will Going To Present Continuous

El futuro de los verbos en inglés se forma añadiendo -ll a la forma simple del verbo (I, you, we, they) y -es para la forma 3ª persona del singular (he, she, it).


I will study English tonight.
You will study English tonight.
He will study English tonight.
We will study English tonight.
They will study English tonight.

Para formar el futuro continuo (will be doing) se utiliza la forma continua del verbo, que se forma añadiendo -ing a la forma simple del verbo.


I will be studying English tonight.
You will be studying English tonight.
He will be studying English tonight.
We will be studying English tonight.
They will be studying English tonight.

La forma negativa se construye añadiendo not después del auxiliar will.


I will not study English tonight.
You will not study English tonight.
He will not study English tonight.
We will not study English tonight.
They will not study English tonight.

La forma interrogativa se construye invertiendo el orden del sujeto y el auxiliar will.


Will I study English tonight?
Will you study English tonight?
Will he study English tonight?
Will we study English tonight?
Will they study English tonight?

La forma abreviada del futuro simple se construye utilizando la forma contrada del verbo, que se forma añadiendo ‘ll a la forma simple del verbo.


I ‘ll study English tonight.
You ‘ll study English tonight.
He ‘ll study English tonight.
We ‘ll study English tonight.
They ‘ll study English tonight.

La forma abreviada del futuro continuo se construye utilizando la forma contrada del verbo, que se forma añadiendo ‘ll a la forma simple del verbo.


I ‘ll be studying English tonight.
You ‘ll be studying English tonight.
He ‘ll be studying English tonight.
We ‘ll be studying English tonight.
They ‘ll be studying English tonight.

La forma negativa se construye añadiendo not después del auxiliar will.


I won’t study English tonight.
You won’t study English tonight.
He won’t study English tonight.
We won’t study English tonight.
They won’t study English tonight.

La forma interrogativa se construye invertiendo el orden del sujeto y el auxiliar will.


Will I study English tonight?
Will you study English tonight?
Will he study English tonight?
Will we study English tonight?
Will they study English tonight?

Ejercicios con soluciones de Ingles Futuro Will Going To Present Continuous

A continuación encontrarás ejercicios de gramática para completar con soluciones de Ingles Futuro Will Going To Present Continuous. Se trata de una serie de ejercicios en formato PDF para que puedas practicar y mejorar tus habilidades gramaticales de inglés. Espero que te sean útiles.

Los ejercicios están basados en el libro de gramática de inglés «English Grammar in Use» de Raymond Murphy. Si necesitas ayuda para resolver alguno de los ejercicios, puedes consultar las soluciones que se encuentran al final del PDF.

Ejercicios de Ingles Futuro Will Going To Present Continuous

1) Completa las frases con el verbo que corresponda en el tiempo verbal indicado. Utiliza la forma correcta del verbo to be (am, is, are) según el sujeto de la frase.


I ________ at home tonight. (stay)

I’m staying at home tonight.

a) they __________ very happy. (be)

b) we ___________ late for school. (be)

c) it ___________ cold today. (be)

d) you ___________ in your room. (be)

2) Completa las frases con el verbo que corresponda en el tiempo verbal indicado. Utiliza la forma correcta del verbo to have (have, has) según el sujeto de la frase.


I ________ a new car. (buy)

I’ve bought a new car.

a) she ___________ a party tonight. (have)

b) they ___________ a lot of money. (have)

c) we ___________ a big house. (have)

d) you ___________ a new dress. (buy)

3) Completa las frases con el verbo que corresponda en el tiempo verbal indicado. Utiliza la forma correcta del verbo to do (do, does) según el sujeto de la frase.


I ________ my homework now. (do)

I’m doing my homework now.

a) she ___________ the dishes. (do)

b) they ___________ their homework. (do)

c) we ___________ our best. (do)

d) you ___________ your hair. (do)

4) Completa las frases con el verbo que corresponda en el tiempo verbal indicado. Utiliza la forma correcta del verbo to go (go, goes) según el sujeto de la frase.


I ________ to school by bus. (go)

I go to school by bus.

a) she ___________ to work by car. (go)

b) they ___________ to the movies. (go)

c) we ___________ to the park. (go)

d) you ___________ home by train. (go)

5) Completa las frases con el verbo que corresponda en el tiempo verbal indicado. Utiliza la forma correcta del verbo to eat (eat, eats) según el sujeto de la frase.


I ________ lunch at 1:00 p.m. (eat)

I eat lunch at 1:00 p.m.

a) she ___________ dinner at 6:00 p.m. (eat)

b) they ___________ breakfast at 7:00 a.m. (eat)

c) we ___________ lunch at 12:00 p.m. (eat)

d) you ___________ dinner at 8:00 p.m. (eat)

6) Completa las frases con el verbo que corresponda en el tiempo verbal indicado. Utiliza la forma correcta del verbo to watch (watch, watches) según el sujeto de la frase.


I ________ TV every night. (watch)

I watch TV every night.

a) she ___________ TV every night. (watch)

b) they ___________ TV every night. (watch)

c) we ___________ TV every night. (watch)

d) you ___________ TV every night. (watch)

7) Completa las frases con el verbo que corresponda en el tiempo verbal indicado. Utiliza la forma correcta del verbo to read (read, reads) según el sujeto de la frase.


I ________ a book every night. (read)

I read a book every night.

a) she ___________ a book every night. (read)

b) they ___________ a book every night. (read)

c) we ___________ a book every night. (read)

d) you ___________ a book every night. (read)

8) Completa las frases con el verbo que corresponda en el tiempo verbal indicado. Utiliza la forma correcta del verbo to write (write, writes) según el sujeto de la frase.


I ________ a letter to my friend. (write)

I’m writing a letter to my friend.

a) she ___________ a letter to her friend. (write)

b) they ___________ a letter to their friend. (write)

c) we ___________ a letter to our friend. (write)

d) you ___________ a letter to your friend. (write)

9) Completa las frases con el verbo que corresponda en el tiempo verbal indicado. Utiliza la forma correcta del verbo to talk (talk, talks) según el sujeto de la frase.


I ________ on the phone with my friend. (talk)

I’m talking on the phone with my friend.

a) she ___________ on the phone with her friend. (talk)

b) they ___________ on the phone with their friend. (talk)

c) we ___________ on the phone with our friend. (talk)

d) you ___________ on the phone with your friend. (talk)

10) Completa las frases con el verbo que corresponda en el tiempo verbal indicado. Utiliza la forma correcta del verbo to work (work, works) según el sujeto de la frase.


I ________ in an office. (work)

I work in an office.

a) she ___________ in an office. (work)

b) they ___________ in an office. (work)

c) we ___________ in an office. (work)

d) you ___________ in an office. (work)

11) Completa las frases con el verbo que corresponda en el tiempo verbal indicado. Utiliza la forma correcta del verbo to study (study, studies) según el sujeto de la frase.


I ________ English. (study)

I’m studying English.

a) she ___________ English. (study)

b) they ___________ English. (study)

c) we ___________ English. (study)

d) you ___________ English. (study)

12) Completa las frases con el verbo que corresponda en el tiempo verbal indicado. Utiliza la forma correcta del verbo to get (get, gets) según el sujeto de la frase.


I ________ up at 7:00 a.m. (get)

I get up at 7:00 a.m.

a) she ___________ up at

Abrir Ejercicios Ingles Futuro Will Going To Present Continuous – PDF

Ejercicios Ingles Futuro Will Going To Present Continuous PDF