Abrir Ejercicios Infinitive With To Ingles – PDF
Teoria – Explicacion y Ejemplos Infinitive With To Ingles
The English infinitive is the base form of a verb, with or without the particle to. For example, the infinitive of ‘read’ is ‘to read’, and the infinitive of ‘write’ is ‘to write’. The infinitive is used as follows:
1. To express purpose:
I went to the store to buy some milk. ( Expresses the purpose of going to the store)
We turn on the lights to see. ( Expresses the purpose of turning on the lights)
2. After certain verbs:
I want to read a book. ( want is followed by the infinitive)
I need to study for my test. ( need is followed by the infinitive)
I hope to see you soon. ( hope is followed by the infinitive)
Can you help me carry these bags? ( can is followed by the infinitive)
I forgot to turn off the lights. ( forgot is followed by the infinitive)
I remember meeting her. ( remember is followed by the infinitive)
I regret to inform you that you have been fired. ( regret is followed by the infinitive)
3. After certain adjectives:
I am happy to see you. ( happy is followed by the infinitive)
Are you ready to go? ( ready is followed by the infinitive)
She is too young to understand. ( too…to… is followed by the infinitive)
This box is too heavy to lift. ( too…to… is followed by the infinitive)
4. After ‘would like’:
I would like to drink a cup of coffee. ( would like is followed by the infinitive)
5. After ‘it is/was + adjective’:
It is easy to find a job these days. ( easy is followed by the infinitive)
It was difficult to choose a gift for her. ( difficult is followed by the infinitive)
6. After ‘to be’:
To be honest, I don’t like her. ( To be is followed by the infinitive)
To be frank, I don’t think you’re qualified for the job. ( To be is followed by the infinitive)
Ejercicios con soluciones de Ingles Infinitive With To
Los ejercicios de infinitivo con to son una forma ideal de practicar este aspecto de la gramática inglesa. Como sabrás, el infinitivo es la forma base de un verbo, como por ejemplo, to eat (comer) o to drink (beber).
A veces, el infinitivo se usa junto con la preposición to, como en las frases I want to eat (quiero comer) o He’s going to drink (va a beber). En estos casos, se le llama infinitivo con to.
Para ayudarte a practicar este aspecto de la gramática, hemos preparado una serie de ejercicios. En cada ejercicio, debes completar la frase con la forma correcta del infinitivo con to. Además, encontrarás la solución justo debajo, por si necesitas ayuda.
Ejercicio 1
Complete la frase con la forma correcta del infinitivo con to:
I need to go home.
I need to go home.
Ejercicio 2
Complete la frase con la forma correcta del infinitivo con to:
We want to go out tonight.
We want to go out tonight.
Ejercicio 3
Complete la frase con la forma correcta del infinitivo con to:
Do you want to come with us?
Do you want to come with us?
Ejercicio 4
Complete la frase con la forma correcta del infinitivo con to:
She’s going to have a baby.
She’s going to have a baby.
Ejercicio 5
Complete la frase con la forma correcta del infinitivo con to:
They need to leave now.
They need to leave now.
Abrir Ejercicios Ingles Infinitive With To – PDF