Ejercicios Must Mustn’T ?T Ingles – PDF

Ejercicios Ingles Must Mustn'T ?T PDF

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Teoria – Explicacion y Ejemplos Must Mustn’T ?T Ingles

En esta lección, aprenderemos los significados y usos de must, mustn’t, have to y don’t have to. También veremos cómo se pueden usar estas palabras en las oraciones afirmativas, negativas e interrogativas. ¡Empecemos!

La forma must se usa cuando algo es necesario o obligatorio. Por ejemplo,

  • You must be at the meeting by 9am.
  • I must remember to buy some milk on the way home.
  • You mustn’t be late for school.
  • I mustn’t forget to post the letter.

La forma have to se usa cuando algo es necesario o obligatorio. Es similar a must, pero se usa más comúnmente en las oraciones afirmativas y negativas. Por ejemplo,

  • I have to go to the meeting.
  • You don’t have to come if you don’t want to.
  • Do I have to buy a ticket in advance?
  • You don’t have to worry about me. I can take care of myself.

La forma don’t have to se usa cuando algo no es necesario. Es decir, no es obligatorio hacer algo. Por ejemplo,

  • You don’t have to buy a ticket in advance.
  • I don’t have to worry about you. You can take care of yourself.

Tenga en cuenta que la forma don’t have to se usa más comúnmente en las oraciones afirmativas. En las oraciones negativas, se usa la forma have to.

  • You have to buy a ticket in advance.
  • I have to worry about you. You can’t take care of yourself.

La forma must se usa también para dar consejos o recomendaciones. Por ejemplo,

  • You must try the new restaurant.
  • You must see the new movie.
  • You mustn’t work too hard.
  • You mustn’t eat too much.

La forma have to se usa también para hablar de problemas o situaciones difíciles. Por ejemplo,

  • I have to get up early tomorrow.
  • I have to work all weekend.
  • I have to study for my exams.
  • I have to talk to my boss.

La forma must se usa también para expresar sorpresa o admiración. Por ejemplo,

  • She must be very wealthy.
  • He must be very popular.
  • They must be very tired.
  • You must be very hungry.

La forma have to se usa también para hablar de obligaciones generales. Por ejemplo,

  • I have to go to work every day.
  • You have to go to school every day.
  • She has to cook dinner every night.
  • He has to do the shopping every week.

La forma don’t have to se usa también para hablar de obligaciones generales. Por ejemplo,

  • I don’t have to go to work on Saturdays.
  • You don’t have to go to school on Sundays.
  • She doesn’t have to cook dinner on weeknights.
  • He doesn’t have to do the shopping on weekdays.

La forma must se usa también para expresar probabilidad o posibilidad. Por ejemplo,

  • He must be at home. His car is in the driveway.
  • She must be at work. Her car is in the parking lot.
  • They must be at the movies. Their car is in the theater parking lot.
  • You must be hungry. You haven’t eaten all day.

La forma have to se usa también para hablar de experiencias pasadas. Por ejemplo,

  • I had to go to the meeting.
  • You didn’t have to come if you didn’t want to.
  • Do I have to buy a ticket in advance?
  • You didn’t have to worry about me. I could take care of myself.

La forma don’t have to se usa también para hablar de experiencias pasadas. Por ejemplo,

  • You didn’t have to buy a ticket in advance.
  • I didn’t have to worry about you. You could take care of yourself.

Tenga en cuenta que la forma don’t have to se usa más comúnmente en las oraciones afirmativas. En las oraciones negativas, se usa la forma have to.

  • You had to buy a ticket in advance.
  • I had to worry about you. You couldn’t take care of yourself.

La forma must se usa también para pedir consejo o recomendación. Por ejemplo,

  • What must I do?
  • I must go to the meeting, but I don’t want to.
  • What mustn’t I do?
  • I mustn’t forget to buy some milk on the way home.

La forma have to se usa también para pedir consejo o recomendación. Por ejemplo,

  • What have to I do?
  • I have to go to the meeting, but I don’t want to.
  • What don’t have to I do?
  • I don’t have to worry about you. You can take care of yourself.

La forma must se usa también para expresar certeza o convicción. Por ejemplo,

  • She must be at home. I can hear her in the shower.
  • He must be at work. His car is in the parking lot.
  • They must be at the movies. Their car is in the theater parking lot.
  • You must be hungry. You haven’t eaten all day.

La forma have to se usa también para expresar certeza

Ejercicios con soluciones de Ingles Must Mustn’T Have To Don’T Have To

Los ejercicios a continuación tienen como objetivo practicar el uso de los verbos modales must, mustn’t, have to y don’t have to en inglés. Se recomienda leer las instrucciones detenidamente antes de comenzar. Para cada ejercicio, selecciona la opción correcta.

Ejercicio 1

Leer las instrucciones para cada ejercicio.

You _______ go to the doctor if you’re ill. (must / don’t have to)

You must go to the doctor if you’re ill.

Ejercicio 2

I _______ work tomorrow. It’s my day off. (mustn’t / don’t have to)

I mustn’t work tomorrow. It’s my day off.

Ejercicio 3

_______ I wear a suit to the interview? (Must / Have to)

Must I wear a suit to the interview?

Ejercicio 4

You _______ be 18 to buy cigarettes. (must / have to)

You have to be 18 to buy cigarettes.

Ejercicio 5

I _______ speak English to get the job. (don’t have to / must)

I must speak English to get the job.

Ejercicio 6

_______ I buy a ticket in advance? (must / have to)

Do I have to buy a ticket in advance?

Ejercicio 7

You _______ stay home if you’re sick. (don’t have to / mustn’t)

You mustn’t stay home if you’re sick.

Ejercicio 8

I _______ be home by midnight. (don’t have to / must)

I don’t have to be home by midnight.

Ejercicio 9

_______ I turn off my phone in the theater? (Must / Have to)

Must I turn off my phone in the theater?

Ejercicio 10

You _______ worry about me. I can take care of myself. (mustn’t / don’t have to)

You mustn’t worry about me. I can take care of myself.

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Ejercicios Ingles Must Mustn'T ?T PDF