Ejercicios Ingles My Your His Her

Ejercicios My Your His Her Ingles PDF

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Teoria – Explicacion y Ejemplos My Your His Her Ingles

In English, the word «my» is used as a possessive pronoun, to show that something belongs to the speaker. It can be used with a noun (e.g. «my car») or without a noun (e.g. «This is my book»).

The word «your» is also a possessive pronoun, but it is used to show that something belongs to the person that the speaker is talking to. Again, it can be used with a noun (e.g. «your car») or without a noun (e.g. «Is this your book?»).

The words «his» and «her» are also possessive pronouns, but they are used to show that something belongs to a man or woman respectively. For example:

  • «His car is parked outside.»
  • «I saw her in town this morning.»

Finally, the possessive pronoun «its» is used to show that something belongs to an animal or object. For example:

  • «The cat slept in its basket.»
  • «The book was lying on its side on the table.»

Ejercicios con soluciones de Ingles My Your His Her

A lot of students have trouble with possessive pronouns. «My», «your», «his», «her» etc. seem like such simple words, but they can be difficult to use correctly. Here are some exercises to help you practice.

Complete the sentences with the correct possessive pronoun:

1. This is my book. 2. That is your pencil. 3. His name is John. 4. Her favorite color is blue. 5. Its name is Rex. 6. Whose dog is this? 7. Whose car is that?

Answers: 1. This is my book. 2. That is your pencil. 3. His name is John. 4. Her favorite color is blue. 5. Its name is Rex. 6. Whose dog is this? 7. Whose car is that?

Now try these with plurals:

1. These are my books. 2. Those are your pencils. 3. His brothers are here. 4. Her sisters live in New York. 5. Its wheels are broken. 6. Whose dogs are these? 7. Whose cats are those?

Answers: 1. These are my books. 2. Those are your pencils. 3. His brothers are here. 4. Her sisters live in New York. 5. Its wheels are broken. 6. Whose dogs are these? 7. Whose cats are those?

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