Ejercicios Ingles Particulas Interrogativas

Ejercicios Ingles Particulas Interrogativas PDF

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Teoria – Explicacion y Ejemplos Ingles Particulas Interrogativas

The English language has many interrogative particles. These words are used to form questions, and usually come at the beginning of the question. In this article, we will look at the main interrogative particles, their meaning and usage with examples.

The main interrogative particles in English are who, what, when, where, why and how. Let’s look at each of these in more detail.

Who is used to ask questions about people. For example:

  • Who is that man over there?
  • Who are you?
  • Who did you see at the party?

What is used to ask questions about things. For example:

  • What is that noise?
  • What are you doing?
  • What did you say?

When is used to ask questions about time. For example:

  • When is your birthday?
  • When did the accident happen?
  • When will you be back?

Where is used to ask questions about place. For example:

  • Where do you live?
  • Where did you go on holiday?
  • Where is the nearest bank?

Why is used to ask questions about reasons. For example:

  • Why are you crying?
  • Why did you do that?
  • Why do you like ice cream?

How is used to ask questions about manner, method or degree. For example:

  • How do you spell your name?
  • How did you get here?
  • How old are you?

These are the main interrogative particles in English. As you can see, they are all used to ask different types of questions. I hope you found this article helpful. Thanks for reading!

Ejercicios con soluciones de Ingles Particulas Interrogativas

Los ejercicios de particulas interrogativas en ingles son muy importantes para la correcta construcción de frases interrogativas. A continuación, presentamos una serie de ejercicios con sus respectivas soluciones.

1. Completar las siguientes oraciones con la particula interrogativa adecuada:

a. __________ did you go yesterday? – I went to the cinema.Where

b. __________ are you from? – I’m from Spain.Where

c. __________ is your pen? – It’s on the table.Where

d. __________ time is it? – It’s eight o’clock.What

e. __________ is your birthday? – It’s on the 12th of May.When

f. __________ are you going tomorrow? – I’m going to the park.Where

g. __________ did you have for breakfast? – I had eggs and bacon.What

h. __________ is your favourite colour? – My favourite colour is blue.What

2. Completar las oraciones con la forma correcta de who, what, when, where, why o whose:

a. __________ is your teacher? – Miss Smith is my teacher.Who

b. __________ are you? – I’m a student.Who

c. __________ is your favourite actor? – My favourite actor is Tom Cruise.Who

d. __________ are you going out with? – I’m going out with John.Who

e. __________ are you going to the party with? – I’m going with Sarah.Who

f. __________ did you see yesterday? – I saw John.Who

g. __________ did you speak to on the phone? – I spoke to Sarah.Who

h. __________ are you going to marry? – I’m going to marry Sarah.Who

3. Completar las frases con who, what, when, where, why o whose:

a. __________ did you speak to? – I spoke to Sarah.Who

b. __________ are you going out with? – I’m going out with Sarah.Who

c. __________ are you going to the party with? – I’m going with Sarah.Who

d. __________ are you going to marry? – I’m going to marry Sarah.Who

e. __________ is your favourite actor? – My favourite actor is Tom Cruise.Who

f. __________ is your favourite colour? – My favourite colour is blue.What

g. __________ time is it? – It’s eight o’clock.What

h. __________ day is it today? – It’s Monday.What

4. Responder las preguntas con frases completas:

a. __________ is your name? – My name is Sarah.What

b. __________ is your address? – My address is 1234 Main Street.What

c. __________ is your phone number? – My phone number is 555-1234.What

d. __________ is your email address? – My email address is [email protected].What

e. __________ is your favourite colour? – My favourite colour is blue.What

f. __________ is your favourite food? – My favourite food is pizza.What

g. __________ is your favourite movie? – My favourite movie is Titanic.What

h. __________ is your favourite TV show? – My favourite TV show is Friends.What

5. Hacer preguntas sobre la información dada utilizando who, what, when, where, why o whose:

a. Sarah / 1234 Main Street – What is Sarah’s address?

b. Sarah / 555-1234 – What is Sarah’s phone number?

c. Sarah / [email protected]What is Sarah’s email address?

d. Sarah / blue – What is Sarah’s favourite colour?

e. Sarah / pizza – What is Sarah’s favourite food?

f. Sarah / Titanic – What is Sarah’s favourite movie?

g. Sarah / Friends – What is Sarah’s favourite TV show?

h. Sarah / 12th of May – When is Sarah’s birthday?

6. Hacer preguntas sobre la información dada utilizando who, what, when, where, why o whose:

a. Sarah / 1234 Main Street – Where does Sarah live?

b. Sarah / 555-1234 – What is Sarah’s phone number?

c. Sarah / [email protected]What is Sarah’s email address?

d. Sarah / blue – What is Sarah’s favourite colour?

e. Sarah / pizza – What is Sarah’s favourite food?

f. Sarah / Titanic – What is Sarah’s favourite movie?

g. Sarah / Friends – What is Sarah’s favourite TV show?

h. Sarah / 12th of May – When is Sarah’s birthday?

7. Hacer preguntas sobre la información dada utilizando who, what, when, where, why o whose:

a. Sarah / 1234 Main Street – Where does Sarah live?

b. Sarah / 555-1234 – What is Sarah’s phone number?

c. Sarah / [email protected]What is Sarah’s email address?

d. Sarah / blue – What is Sarah’s favourite colour?

e. Sarah / pizza – What is Sarah’s favourite food?

f. Sarah / Titanic – What is Sarah’s favourite movie?

g. Sarah / Friends – What is Sarah’s favourite TV show?

h. Sarah / 12th of May – When is Sarah’s birthday?

8. Hacer preguntas sobre la información dada utilizando who, what, when, where, why o whose:

a. Sarah / 1234 Main Street – Where does Sarah live?

b. Sarah / 555-1234 – What is Sarah’s phone number?

c. Sarah / [email protected]What is Sarah’s email address?

d. Sarah / blue – What is Sarah’s favourite colour?

e. Sarah / pizza – What is Sarah’s favourite food?

f. Sarah / Titanic – What is Sarah’s favourite movie?

g. Sarah / Friends – What is Sarah’s favourite TV show?

h. Sarah / 12th of May – When is Sarah’s birthday?

9. Hacer preguntas sobre la información dada utilizando who, what, when, where, why o whose:

a. Sarah / 1234 Main Street – Where does Sarah live?

b. Sarah / 555-1234 – What is Sarah’s phone number?

c. Sarah / [email protected]What is Sarah’s email address?

d. Sarah / blue – What is Sarah’s favourite colour?

e. Sarah / pizza – What is Sarah’s favourite food?

f. Sarah / Titanic – What is Sarah’s favourite movie?

g. Sarah / Friends – What is Sarah’s favourite TV show?

h. Sarah /

Abrir Ejercicios Particulas Interrogativas Ingles – PDF

Ejercicios Ingles Particulas Interrogativas PDF