Ejercicios Ingles Pasado Simple Del Verbo To Be

Ejercicios Pasado Simple Del Verbo To Be Ingles PDF

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Teoria : Ejemplos y Explicacion Pasado Simple Del Verbo To Be Ingles

El pasado simple del verbo to be se usa para hablar de acciones que ocurrieron en un momento específico en el pasado. A menudo se usa con fechas o períodos de tiempo.

Por ejemplo: I was at the library yesterday. (Estuve en la biblioteca ayer.)

El pasado simple del verbo to be también se usa para hablar de eventos repetitivos en el pasado, como una rutina diaria o un hábito.

Por ejemplo: I was studying English every day. (Estudiaba inglés todos los días.)

La forma afirmativa del pasado simple del verbo to be se construye con la forma base del verbo (I am –> I was), mientras que la forma negativa se construye añadiendo not después de la forma base (I am not –> I was not).

En la forma interrogativa, el verbo to be va delante del sujeto (Was I at the library yesterday? –> ¿Estuve en la biblioteca ayer?), mientras que en la forma contraria, el verbo to be va después del sujeto (I was not at the library yesterday. –> No estuve en la biblioteca ayer.)

A continuación te dejamos una tabla con la conjugación del pasado simple del verbo to be:

I You He/She/It We You They
was were was were were were
I was You were He/She/It was We were You were They were
I was not You were not He/She/It was not We were not You were not They were not
Was I Were you Was he/she/it Were we Were you Were they

Ejercicios con soluciones de Ingles Pasado Simple Del Verbo To Be

En este articulo, vamos a practicar el uso del Pasado Simple del verbo To Be en Ingles. Haremos ejercicios para practicar y luego te mostraremos las soluciones para que puedas comparar y corregir tus errores. ¡Empecemos!

Ejercicio 1: Completa las siguientes oraciones con la forma correcta del Pasado Simple del verbo To Be:

  1. I was at the park yesterday.
  2. You were at the movies last night.
  3. They were at the beach last weekend.
  4. We were at the library last week.
  5. She was at home all day yesterday.
  6. He was at work all day yesterday.
  7. It was cold yesterday.

Ejercicio 2: Completa las siguentes oraciones con la forma correcta del Pasado Simple del verbo To Be:

  1. I was not (wasn’t) at the park yesterday.
  2. You were not (weren’t) at the movies last night.
  3. They were not (weren’t) at the beach last weekend.
  4. We were not (weren’t) at the library last week.
  5. She was not (wasn’t) at home all day yesterday.
  6. He was not (wasn’t) at work all day yesterday.
  7. It was not (wasn’t) cold yesterday.

Ejercicio 3: Completa las siguientes oraciones con la forma correcta del Pasado Simple del verbo To Be:

  1. I was at the park.
  2. You were at the movies.
  3. They were at the beach.
  4. We were at the library.
  5. She was at home.
  6. He was at work.
  7. It was cold.

Ejercicio 4: Completa las siguientes oraciones con la forma correcta del Pasado Simple del verbo To Be:

  1. I was not (wasn’t) at the park.
  2. You were not (weren’t) at the movies.
  3. They were not (weren’t) at the beach.
  4. We were not (weren’t) at the library.
  5. She was not (wasn’t) at home.
  6. He was not (wasn’t) at work.
  7. It was not (wasn’t) cold.

Ejercicio 5: Completa las siguientes oraciones con la forma correcta del Pasado Simple del verbo To Be:

  1. I was a teacher.
  2. You were a student.
  3. They were doctors.
  4. We were nurses.
  5. She was a cashier.
  6. He was a waiter.
  7. It was a cat.

Ejercicio 6: Completa las siguientes oraciones con la forma correcta del Pasado Simple del verbo To Be:

  1. I was not (wasn’t) a teacher.
  2. You were not (weren’t) a student.
  3. They were not (weren’t) doctors.
  4. We were not (weren’t) nurses.
  5. She was not (wasn’t) a cashier.
  6. He was not (wasn’t) a waiter.
  7. It was not (wasn’t) a cat.

Ejercicio 7: Completa las siguientes oraciones con la forma correcta del Pasado Simple del verbo To Be:

  1. I was happy.
  2. You were sad.
  3. They were angry.
  4. We were scared.
  5. She was bored.
  6. He was tired.
  7. It was hungry.

Ejercicio 8: Completa las siguientes oraciones con la forma correcta del Pasado Simple del verbo To Be:

  1. I was not (wasn’t) happy.
  2. You were not (weren’t) sad.
  3. They were not (weren’t) angry.
  4. We were not (weren’t) scared.
  5. She was not (wasn’t) bored.
  6. He was not (wasn’t) tired.
  7. It was not (wasn’t) hungry.

Ejercicio 9: Completa las siguientes oraciones con la forma correcta del Pasado Simple del verbo To Be:

  1. I was at the party.
  2. You were at the party.
  3. They were at the party.
  4. We were at the party.
  5. She was at the party.
  6. He was at the party.
  7. It was at the party.

Ejercicio 10: Completa las siguientes oraciones con la forma correcta del Pasado Simple del verbo To Be:

  1. I was not (wasn’t) at the party.
  2. You were not (weren’t) at the party.
  3. They were not (weren’t) at the party.
  4. We were not (weren’t) at the party.
  5. She was not (wasn’t) at the party.
  6. He was not (wasn’t) at the party.
  7. It was not (wasn’t) at the party.


Ejercicio 1 – Soluciones:

  1. I was at the park yesterday.
  2. You were at the movies last night.
  3. They were at the beach last weekend.
  4. We were at the library last week.
  5. She was at home all day yesterday.
  6. He was at work all day yesterday.
  7. It was cold yesterday.

Ejercicio 2 – Soluciones:

  1. I was not (wasn’t) at the park yesterday.
  2. You were not (weren’t) at the movies last night.
  3. They were not Abrir Ejercicios Ingles Pasado Simple Del Verbo To Be – PDF

    Ejercicios Ingles Pasado Simple Del Verbo To Be PDF