Ejercicios Ingles Past Continuous

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Teoria – Explicacion y Ejemplos Past Continuous Ingles

The past continuous tense is used to describe an ongoing action that took place in the past. It’s often used with was or were plus a verb ending in -ing. For example:

I was studying my lesson when she came in.

The past continuous tense is made up of two parts: the past tense of the verb to be (was or were) plus the present participle of the main verb (study in the first example above, and come in the second).

The past continuous tense can be used to describe an action that was happening at a specific time in the past. For example:

I was studying my lesson at six o’clock last night.

It can also be used to describe an action that was in progress over a period of time in the past. For example:

She was living in New York for five years before she moved to Los Angeles.

The past continuous tense can also be used to describe two actions that were happening at the same time in the past. For example:

While I was studying my lesson, she was watching TV.

The past continuous tense is often used with always, constantly, forever, continually, non-stop, etc. For example:

I was always studying my lesson when she came in.

It was constantly raining for two weeks.

Ejercicios con soluciones de Ingles Past Continuous

The past continuous tense is used to describe an ongoing action in the past. This action may be interrupted by another action. The past continuous tense is formed by using the past tense of the verb «to be» (was/were) plus the present participle of the main verb (with an -ing ending).

Here are some examples of the past continuous tense in action:

I was watching TV when the power went out.

The rain was coming down hard when we left the house.

She wasn’t paying attention and ran into the pole.

They were getting ready for their trip when the phone rang.

Past continuous tense can also be used to describe two actions that were happening at the same time in the past. In this case, both actions are in the past continuous tense.

While I was cooking dinner, the phone rang.

He was studying while his brother was watching TV.

I wasn’t paying attention and ran into the pole.

To practice using the past continuous tense, try these exercises:

Exercise 1

Complete the following sentences with the correct form of the verb in parentheses. Use contractions where possible.

1. We _______ (watch) a movie when the power went out.

2. The rain _______ (come) down hard when we left the house.

3. She _______ (not pay) attention and ran into the pole.

4. They _______ (get) ready for their trip when the phone rang.

5. While I _______ (cook) dinner, the phone rang.

6. He _______ (study) while his brother _______ (watch) TV.

7. I _______ (not pay) attention and ran into the pole.

Exercise 2

Complete the following sentences with the correct form of the verb in parentheses. Use contractions where possible.

1. I ______ (walk) to the store when I ______ (see) a rabbit in the road.

2. While we ______ (have) lunch, the baby ______ (cry).

3. When I ______ (leave) the house, I ______ (forget) my keys.

4. She ______ (try) to call me while I ______ (sleep).

5. I ______ (not hear) the alarm clock this morning and ______ (miss) my train.

6. He ______ (work) on his car while his children ______ (play) in the yard.

7. They ______ (walk) in the park when it ______ (start) to rain.

Exercise 3

Complete the following sentences with the correct form of the verb in parentheses. Use contractions where possible.

1. I ______ (look) for my sunglasses for five minutes before I ______ (find) them.

2. He ______ (read) a book for an hour before he ______ (fall) asleep.

3. We ______ (wait) at the restaurant for a long time before we ______ (get) our food.

4. They ______ (study) for their test for two hours before they ______ (leave) for school.

5. I ______ (not see) the sign and ______ (drive) into the construction zone.

6. She ______ (look) for her keys for five minutes before she ______ (find) them.

7. He ______ (not listen) to the directions and ______ (get) lost.

Exercise 4

Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verb in parentheses. Use contractions where possible.

1. We _______ (not have) a lot of fun at the party because we _______ (not know) many people there.

2. I ______ (try) to call you last night, but I ______ (not have) your new phone number.

3. He ______ (not like) his new job because he ______ (not have) enough time to do his work.

4. She ______ (try) to lose weight, but she ______ (not have) a lot of success.

5. I ______ (not see) the rabbit because it _______ (hide) behind the bush.

6. He ______ (not hear) the alarm clock because it ______ (not go) off.

7. They ______ (not have) a lot of money, so they ______ (not go) on vacation this year.

Abrir Ejercicios Past Continuous Ingles – PDF

Ejercicios Ingles Past Continuous PDF