Ejercicios Ingles Prefer Would Rather

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Teoria – Explicacion y Ejemplos Prefer Would Rather Ingles

Assuming that you would like an article discussing the English grammar rules regarding «would rather» and providing examples, here you go! Would rather and would prefer are very similar in meaning and they are both used when we want to say what we would like to do. We use would rather or would prefer + infinitive without to. Would rather is more common in spoken English and is used when we are talking about ourselves. Would prefer is more common in written English and is used when we are talking about other people. Here are some examples: I’d rather go out tonight. (= I want to go out tonight) She’d prefer to stay at home. (= She wants to stay at home) We can also use would rather and would prefer + noun. Here are some examples: I’d rather a cup of coffee. (= I want a cup of coffee) She’d prefer tea. (= She wants tea) We can use would rather or would prefer + past simple after the main verb be. Here are some examples: I’d rather be in New York. (= I want to be in New York) She’d prefer not to be here. (= She doesn’t want to be here) We can use would rather or would prefer + infinitive without to after the main verb feel, look or smell. Here are some examples: This soup smells rather strange. (= It smells a bit strange) I’m feeling rather tired today. (= I’m feeling a bit tired today) We often use would rather or would prefer with than. Would rather and would prefer are followed by than and a clause with the past simple. Here are some examples: I’d rather go out tonight than stay at home. (= I want to go out tonight, not stay at home) She’d prefer to stay at home than go out. (= She wants to stay at home, not go out) We use would rather or would prefer + if in subordinate clauses after the main verb be. Here are some examples: I’d rather be at home if you’re going to be in a bad mood. (= I want to be at home if you’re going to be in a bad mood) She’d prefer not to come if she’s not going to enjoy herself. (= She doesn’t want to come if she’s not going to enjoy herself) We sometimes use would rather or would prefer without a following verb. This is common in spoken English after the main verb be, especially in short answers. Here are some examples: A: Would you like a cup of coffee? B: I’d rather. (= I’d rather have a cup of coffee) A: Shall we go out tonight? B: I’d prefer not. (= I’d prefer not to go out tonight)

Ejercicios con soluciones de Ingles Prefer Would Rather

Would you like a coffee? I would prefer a tea, thanks. I’d rather have a tea. Would you rather have a tea or a coffee? I’d rather have a tea, thanks.

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