Abrir Ejercicios Ingles Preguntas Con Wh – PDF
Teoria : Ejemplos y Explicacion Preguntas Con Wh Ingles
¿Qué es una pregunta con wh en inglés? En gramática, una pregunta con wh es una oración que contiene una de estas palabras: what, who, whom, whose, where, when, why, which, how. En inglés, las preguntas con wh se hacen agregando la palabra wh al comienzo de una oración. Las preguntas con wh se usan para obtener información específica. A menudo, las preguntas con wh se pueden responder con una sola palabra.
Echemos un vistazo a algunos ejemplos de preguntas con wh:
What is your name? – Mi nombre es Ana.
Who is your best friend? – Mi mejor amigo es Luis.
Whom did you see at the party? – Vi a Juan.
Whose book is this? – Es el libro de Luis.
Where are you from? – Soy de Argentina.
When did you arrive? – Llegué ayer.
Why are you learning English? – Estoy aprendiendo inglés para poder viajar.
Which is your favorite color? – Mi color favorito es el azul.
How are you? – ¿Cómo estás?
Ejercicios con soluciones de Ingles Preguntas Con Wh
Exercises to complete with solutions of English Questions With Wh
1. Questions with WH words are very important in English. They are used to get information about people, things, places, etc.
2. WH words are used in different ways. They can be used as subject or object of a sentence.
3. WH words can be used in different tenses. For example, in the present simple we use what to ask about things.
4. In the past simple, we use when to ask about time. And in the present perfect, we use where to ask about places.
5. There are also special questions with WH words. For example, we can use how to ask about methods or processes.
6. We can also use WH words to make statements. For example, we can say what a beautiful day!.
7. WH words are very important in English. They are used to get information about people, things, places, etc.
8. WH words are used in different ways. They can be used as subject or object of a sentence.
9. WH words can be used in different tenses. For example, in the present simple we use what to ask about things.
10. In the past simple, we use when to ask about time. And in the present perfect, we use where to ask about places.
11. There are also special questions with WH words. For example, we can use how to ask about methods or processes.
12. We can also use WH words to make statements. For example, we can say what a beautiful day!
Abrir Ejercicios Preguntas Con Wh Ingles – PDF