Ejercicios Ingles Presente Simple Afirmativo – PDF

Ejercicios Presente Simple Afirmativo Ingles PDF

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Teoria – Explicacion y Ejemplos Presente Simple Afirmativo Ingles

Inglés Presente Simple Afirmativo

Este tiempo verbal se usa para hablar de acciones habituales o que ocurren siempre. Las frases afirmativas en inglés presente simple se construyen con el sujeto + el verbo en infinitivo sin “to”. Por ejemplo:

I walk to school every day.

You walk to school every day.

He walks to school every day.

She walks to school every day.

It walks to school every day.

We walk to school every day.

They walk to school every day.

A menudo usamos el presente simple para hablar de la verdad general, es decir, cosas que son ciertas en general. Por ejemplo:

The sun rises in the east.

Water boils at 100 degrees Celsius.

El verbo “to be” en presente simple se conjuga de la siguiente manera:

I am – Yo soy

You are – Tú eres

He is – Él es

She is – Ella es

It is – Ello/Esto es

We are – Nosotros somos

They are – Ellos/Ellas son

Ejercicios con soluciones de Ingles Presente Simple Afirmativo

Ejercicios para completar con soluciones de Ingles Presente Simple Afirmativo

1. Escribe el verbo entre paréntesis en forma afirmativa en Presente Simple

I (to be) from Brazil. I am from Brazil. You (to be) a doctor. You are a doctor. He (to be) my brother. He is my brother. She (to work) in a bank. She works in a bank. It (to rain) a lot in winter. It rains a lot in winter. We (to like) ice cream. We like ice cream. They (to live) in New York. They live in New York. 2. Escribe la forma afirmativa del verbo entre paréntesis en Presente Simple. I (to have) two sisters. I have two sisters. You (to drink) milk every day. You drink milk every day. He (to eat) breakfast at 7:00 am. He eats breakfast at 7:00 am. She (to play) tennis on Mondays. She plays tennis on Mondays. It (to snow) in winter. It snows in winter. We (to study) English. We study English. They (to write) letters to their friends. They write letters to their friends. 3. Escribe la forma afirmativa del verbo entre paréntesis en Presente Simple. I (to have) a pet. I have a pet. You (to go) to school every day. You go to school every day. He (to wear) a hat. He wears a hat. She (to take) a shower at night. She takes a shower at night. It (to rain) a lot in Seattle. It rains a lot in Seattle. We (to watch) TV on Sundays. We watch TV on Sundays. They (to have) breakfast at 7:00 am. They have breakfast at 7:00 am.

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Ejercicios Presente Simple Afirmativo Ingles PDF