Ejercicios Should Ought To Had Better Ingles

Ejercicios Ingles Should Ought To Had Better PDF

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Teoria – Explicacion y Ejemplos Ingles Should Ought To Had Better

There are many different ways to express obligations and requirements in English. In this lesson we will look at four of them – should, ought to, had better and must.

We use should to give advice or to say what we think is the right thing to do. For example:

You should stop smoking.

We also use should when we want to say that something is the right thing to do, but we are not sure if it will happen. For example:

The government should do more to help the poor.

We use ought to in a similar way to should. It is a little less common and is not used as much in spoken English. For example:

You ought to stop smoking.

We use had better to give advice or to say what we think is the right thing to do. It is a little more forceful than should and ought to. For example:

You had better stop smoking.

We use must when we want to say that something is necessary or very important. For example:

You must stop smoking.

We also use must when we are sure that something will happen. For example:

The government must do more to help the poor.

Ejercicios con soluciones de Ingles Should Ought To Had Better

While should and ought to can both be used to talk about what we deserve or what is right, there is a subtle difference in meaning.

We use should when we want to give advice or make a suggestion. It is less forceful than ought to:

  • You should stop smoking.
  • We should try a different approach.

We use ought to to talk about what we believe is the right thing to do, or what is the best thing to do. It is more forceful than should:

  • You ought to stop smoking.
  • Ought to we try a different approach?

We often use should and ought to with the verb to be (should be, ought to be) to talk about what we think is the case:

  • It should be easy.
  • This ought to be the right size.

We can use should and ought to with other verbs to talk about what we believe is the right thing to do:

  • You should study more if you want to pass your exams.
  • Ought I to call the police?

The main difference between should and ought to is that should is less forceful than ought to. We use ought to to talk about what we believe is the right thing to do, while should is used to give advice or make a suggestion.

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