Ejercicios Who Which That Ingles

Ejercicios Who Which That Ingles PDF

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Teoria – Explicacion y Ejemplos Ingles Who Which That

There can be a lot of confusion when it comes to using who, which, and that in English. We often hear people say things like “I talked to the girl that works at the store” or “Which one of these is your favorite?” when they should be using “who” or “that.” Let’s start with a quick review of the definitions of these words: Who – used when referring to people Which – used when referring to things That – used when referring to people or things Now that we know the basic definitions, let’s look at some examples of how to use these words correctly. Who We use “who” when we are talking about people. For example,

Who is your favorite musician? Who are you going to the movies with tonight? Who taught you how to play the guitar?

Which We use “which” when we are talking about things. For example,

Which book do you want to read first? Which pair of shoes do you want to buy? Which flavor of ice cream do you want?

That We use “that” when we are talking about people or things. For example,

That is my favorite color. I don’t like that movie. Do you know the girl that works at the store? The car that I want to buy is too expensive.

As you can see, there are some cases where we can use either “that” or “which.” In these cases, it doesn’t really matter which word you use. Now that you know how to use who, which, and that, you’ll be able to communicate more clearly in English. Just remember to use “who” when you’re talking about people, “which” when you’re talking about things, and “that” when you’re talking about people or things.

Ejercicios con soluciones de Ingles Who Which That

Ejercicios para completar con soluciones de Ingles Who Which That

1. Complete each sentence with who, which or that. Use commas where necessary.

I’ve got a feeling ______ going to be a great day.

I think ______ the girl in the red dress is new here.

The man ______ lives next door is a bit strange.

______ do you think is the best basketball player in the world?

The dog ______ attacked me last week is really dangerous.

2. Join each pair of sentences using who, which or that.

I’ve got a new car. It’s fantastic.

I’ve got a new car ______ is fantastic.

We’re going to the cinema. We’re going to see a new film.

We’re going to the cinema ______ we’re going to see a new film.

I don’t know his name. He’s the man who lives next door.

I don’t know his name, but he’s the man ______ lives next door.

3. Complete each sentence with who, whose, which or where.

Do you know the boy ______ bike was stolen yesterday?

The party ______ we went to last night was really fun.

I’ve got a new phone. It’s much better than my old one.

The man ______ I gave my number to yesterday hasn’t called me yet.

4. Complete each sentence with one word.

I’ve got a new car. It’s ______ .

I’ve got a new car. It’s fantastic.

We’re going to the cinema. We’re going to see ______ .

We’re going to the cinema. We’re going to see a new film.

I don’t know his name. He’s the man ______ .

I don’t know his name. He’s the man who lives next door.

5. Complete each sentence with one word.

Do you know the boy ______ ?

Do you know the boy whose bike was stolen yesterday?

The party ______ ?

The party we went to last night was really fun.

I’ve got a new phone. It’s ______ .

I’ve got a new phone. It’s much better than my old one.

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Ejercicios Ingles Who Which That PDF