Musical plus phonological input for young foreign language readers

In Musical plus phonological input for young foreign language readers  our concern is based on the fact that poor foreign language readers, in this case Spanish learners of English, lack phonological language skills, phoneme awareness, letter–sound knowledge and rapid automatized naming (Hulme & Snowling, 2014). We prepared a reading intervention program with musical videoclips to develop early reading skills. All second-grade Spanish children who participated in this study were very low-proficiency English language learners with classrooms located in suburban schools. This is important as this implies that there was no initial selection of participants. However, socio-cultural background, reading skills and working memory were assessed before training to ensure that the different groups were homogenous. Learners’ musical aptitude was also tested as it has been described as an individual difference in language learning (Slevc and Miyake, 2006). We hypothesized that the level of performance would be higher for teaching approaches that included phonological training with or without musical support than for traditional teaching methods. Moreover, we also hypothesized that musical support in a phonological training program for beginner EFL students would be an added value when learning to read because simple, rhythmic and repetitive melodies may induce the song-stuck-in-my-head phenomenon, a rehearsal loop that may improve subvocal rehearsal.


