Journals |

Comunicar Journal

«Comunicar» is a bilingual Spanish and English research journal, with Chinese and Portuguese abstracts.

Articles, authors and topics have a decidedly international outlook. The journal is now in its 22nd year and has published 1638 research and studies articles. The journal appears in 269 international databases, journal impact assessment platforms, selected directories, specialized portals and hemerographic catalogues… A rigorous and transparent, blind reviewing system manuscripts audited in RECYT. It has an international scientific editorial board and a broad network of 379 reviewers from 28 countries of all over the world.

Professional management of manuscripts via the OJS platform from the Science and Technology Foundation, with ethical commitments published for the scientific community that ensure transparency and timeliness, antiplagiarism (CrossCheck), reviewing system… It is a highly visible publication available through numerous search engines, dynamic pdfs, EPUB, DOIs, ORCID… with connections to Mendeley, RefWorks, EndNote, Zotero and scientific social networks like Academia.Edu

A specialized journal in educommunication: communication and education, ICT, audiences, new languages…; there are special monographic editions on the most up-to-date topics.

It has a printed and an online digital edition. The entire digital version can be freely accessed. It is co-edited in Spain for Europe, and in Ecuador and Chile for Latin America. Comunicar has also an English, a Chinese and a Portuguese co-edition.

In 2015, «Comunicar» is Q2 in JCR (Impact Factor: 0,838): Scopus classifies it in Cultural Studies, Education and Communication as Q1 (SJR: 0,7).

See Call For Papers