Ejercicios Adverbios De Frecuencia Ingles

Ejercicios Adverbios De Frecuencia Ingles PDF

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Teoria : Explicacion y Ejemplos Ingles Adverbios De Frecuencia

What are English Adverbs of Frequency?

Adverbs of frequency are words we use to describe how often we do something. For example:

  • I always brush my teeth before bed.
  • I usually eat breakfast at 7am.
  • I sometimes go for a run at lunchtime.
  • I rarely watch TV in the evening.
  • I never go to bed before 11pm.

We often put adverbs of frequency in front of the main verb:

  • I always brush my teeth before bed.
  • I usually eat breakfast at 7am.
  • I sometimes go for a run at lunchtime.
  • I rarely watch TV in the evening.
  • I never go to bed before 11pm.

However, for negative verbs, we usually put the adverb after not:

  • I don’t always brush my teeth before bed.
  • I don’t usually eat breakfast at 7am.
  • I don’t sometimes go for a run at lunchtime.
  • I don’t rarely watch TV in the evening.
  • I don’t never go to bed before 11pm.

Note: We use don’t with all subjects, including I, you, he, she, it, we, you, and they.

We can also use adverbs of frequency after the verb to be:

  • I am always tired in the morning.
  • You are usually late for work.
  • He is sometimes lazy on Sundays.
  • She is rarely on time for our meetings.
  • It is never easy to please my boss.
  • We are always ready to help our customers.
  • You are usually polite to strangers.
  • They are sometimes impolite to their elders.

Here are some more examples:

  • I am usually at home in the evenings.
  • You are always welcome to visit us.
  • He is often in a good mood in the mornings.
  • She is never rude to her friends.
  • It is always sunny in California.
  • We are sometimes late for our appointments.
  • You are rarely on time for your classes.
  • They are never early for their flights.

Note: We can also use adverbs of frequency after to have and to do:

  • I have always wanted to be a doctor.
  • You have usually done your homework by this time.
  • He has often felt like giving up.
  • She has never forgotten her first love.
  • It has always been easy for me to make friends.
  • We have sometimes thought about moving to the countryside.
  • You have rarely done what you said you would do.
  • They have never stopped complaining about their jobs.

Ejercicios con soluciones de Ingles Adverbios De Frecuencia

Muchos estudiantes de inglés tienen dificultades con los adverbios de frecuencia. Los adverbios de frecuencia indican con qué frecuencia se realiza una acción. Por ejemplo: never, rarely, sometimes, often, usually, always. Aprender a usar estos adverbios puede ser un desafío, pero es muy importante si quieres mejorar tu inglés.

Para ayudarte a practicar, aquí tienes algunos ejercicios con soluciones. Completa las oraciones con el adverbio de frecuencia correcto.

1. I __ eat breakfast at home.

2. We __ go to the park on Sundays.

3. She __ cleans her room every day.

4. They __ watch TV on weekdays.

5. My parents __ go out on Saturday nights.

6. Do you __ eat healthy food?

7. How __ do you exercise?

8. I __ drink coffee in the morning.

9. She __ works on Sundays.

10. They __ go to the movies once a month.

Soluciones: 1. rarely 2. often 3. always 4. never 5. seldom 6. usually 7. seldom 8. always 9. never 10. usually

Por supuesto, hay muchos otros adverbios de frecuencia que no se mencionan en este ejercicio. Si quieres aprender más, echa un vistazo a este vídeo de Engvid.

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Ejercicios Adverbios De Frecuencia Ingles PDF