Ejercicios Ingles Few Little Much Many

Ejercicios Few Little Much Many Ingles PDF

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Teoria – Explicacion y Ejemplos Few Little Much Many Ingles

«Few» and «little» are both used to describe small amounts. They are similar in meaning, but «few» is used with countable nouns and «little» is used with uncountable nouns:

We have few friends in common. (Few is used with the countable noun, friends.) We have little in common. (Little is used with the uncountable noun, common.)

«Much» and «many» are both used to describe large amounts. They are similar in meaning, but «much» is used with uncountable nouns and «many» is used with countable nouns:

I don’t have much money. (Much is used with the uncountable noun, money.) I don’t have many friends. (Many is used with the countable noun, friends.)

Ejercicios con soluciones de Ingles Few Little Much Many

Inglés es uno de los lenguajes más hablados en el mundo, y es vital para la comunicación internacional en áreas tales como el comercio, la diplomacia y el turismo.

Aprender Inglés no es tan difícil como mucha gente piensa. De hecho, es relativamente fácil si se sabe cómo abordar el estudio del idioma.

Una de las mejores maneras de aprender Inglés es practicar con ejercicios y actividades divertidas. Aquí hay algunos ejercicios para completar con soluciones de Inglés para ayudarlo a mejorar sus habilidades de comprensión y producción.

Ejercicio 1:

Complete each sentence with one of the following words: few, little, a few, a little.

I don’t have ______ money. I’ll have to borrow some from you.

Solution: I don’t have much money. I’ll have to borrow some from you.

Ejercicio 2:

Complete each sentence with one of the following words: few, little, a few, a little.

I don’t have ______ money. I’ll have to borrow some from you.

Solution: I don’t have much money. I’ll have to borrow some from you.

Ejercicio 3:

Complete each sentence with one of the following words: few, little, a few, a little.

I have ______ apples. I’m going to make a pie.

Solution: I have a few apples. I’m going to make a pie.

Ejercicio 4:

Complete each sentence with one of the following words: few, little, a few, a little.

I’ve been to ______ countries. I’d like to visit more.

Solution: I’ve been to a few countries. I’d like to visit more.

Ejercicio 5:

Complete each sentence with one of the following words: few, little, a few, a little.

I have ______ friends. I’d like to make more.

Solution: I have a few friends. I’d like to make more.

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Ejercicios Few Little Much Many Ingles PDF