Ejercicios Futuro Simple Ingles

Ejercicios Ingles Futuro Simple PDF

Abrir Ejercicios Ingles Futuro Simple – PDF

Teoria – Explicacion y Ejemplos Ingles Futuro Simple

El futuro simple se forma con el verbo ‘to be’ en los tiempos presente para el futuro y el verbo principal en infinitivo.

Por ejemplo:

I will be a teacher.
You will be a doctor.
He will be an engineer.
She will be a nurse.
It will be a new car.
We will be students.
They will be actors.

El futuro simple se usa para hablar de acciones que ocurrirán en un tiempo futuro. A menudo se usa con adverbios de tiempo como ‘tomorrow’, ‘next week’, ‘in a month’, ‘in two years’.

Por ejemplo:

I will meet John tomorrow.
They will arrive next week.
We will go in a month.
She will have a baby in two years.

El futuro simple se usa también para hablar de planes y decisiones tomadas antes de hablar.

Por ejemplo:

I will phone you tonight.
They will not come tomorrow.
We will have a party next weekend.

Ejercicios con soluciones de Ingles Futuro Simple

El futuro simple se forma con el verbo will seguido del infinitivo del verbo principal. Se usa para hablar de acciones que ocurrirán en un momento futuro. A menudo se puede traducir como «ir a» o «vamos a».

Para hacer el futuro simple afirmativo, solo necesitas usar la forma will + verbo. Por ejemplo:

I will meet you in front of the conference center at 3 p.m.

We will have a meeting to discuss the situation.

Para hacer el futuro simple negativo, solo necesitas agregar la palabra not después de will. Por ejemplo:

I will not be able to meet you until 4 p.m.

We will not have a meeting today.

Para hacer el futuro simple en forma de pregunta, solo necesitas invertir el orden de will y el sujeto. Por ejemplo:

Will you be able to meet me at 3 p.m.?

Will we have a meeting today?

Aquí hay algunos ejercicios para practicar el futuro simple:

1. Complete the sentences with the correct form of will.
a. We ___________ (meet) at the conference center at 3 p.m.
b. I ___________ (not / be) able to meet you until 4 p.m.
c. They ___________ (not / have) a meeting today.
d. We ___________ (not / go) to the park tomorrow.
e. It ___________ (rain) tomorrow.
f. I ___________ (pick you up) at the airport at 6 p.m.
g. She ___________ (not / call) you tomorrow.
h. We ___________ (not / have) class tomorrow.

2. Complete the questions with the correct form of will.
a. ___________ you meet me at the conference center at 3 p.m.?
b. ___________ they have a meeting today?
c. ___________ we go to the park tomorrow?
d. ___________ it rain tomorrow?
e. ___________ she call you tomorrow?
f. ___________ you pick me up at the airport at 6 p.m.?
g. ___________ we have class tomorrow?

3. Complete the sentences with the correct form of will. Use the short form.
a. We ___________ meet at the conference center at 3 p.m.
b. I ___________ not be able to meet you until 4 p.m.
c. They ___________ not have a meeting today.
d. We ___________ not go to the park tomorrow.
e. It ___________ rain tomorrow.
f. I ___________ pick you up at the airport at 6 p.m.
g. She ___________ not call you tomorrow.
h. We ___________ not have class tomorrow.

4. Complete the questions with the correct form of will. Use the short form.
a. ___________ you meet me at the conference center at 3 p.m.?
b. ___________ they have a meeting today?
c. ___________ we go to the park tomorrow?
d. ___________ it rain tomorrow?
e. ___________ she call you tomorrow?
f. ___________ you pick me up at the airport at 6 p.m.?
g. ___________ we have class tomorrow?

5. Complete the sentences with the correct form of will. Use the negative form.
a. We ___________ not meet at the conference center at 3 p.m.
b. I ___________ not be able to meet you until 4 p.m.
c. They ___________ not have a meeting today.
d. We ___________ not go to the park tomorrow.
e. It ___________ not rain tomorrow.
f. I ___________ not pick you up at the airport at 6 p.m.
g. She ___________ not call you tomorrow.
h. We ___________ not have class tomorrow.

6. Complete the questions with the correct form of will. Use the negative form.
a. ___________ you not meet me at the conference center at 3 p.m.?
b. ___________ they not have a meeting today?
c. ___________ we not go to the park tomorrow?
d. ___________ it not rain tomorrow?
e. ___________ she not call you tomorrow?
f. ___________ you not pick me up at the airport at 6 p.m.?
g. ___________ we not have class tomorrow?

7. Complete the sentences with the correct form of will. Use the short form.
a. We ___________ meet at the conference center at 3 p.m.
b. I ___________ not be able to meet you until 4 p.m.
c. They ___________ not have a meeting today.
d. We ___________ not go to the park tomorrow.
e. It ___________ rain tomorrow.
f. I ___________ pick you up at the airport at 6 p.m.
g. She ___________ not call you tomorrow.
h. We ___________ not have class tomorrow.

8. Complete the questions with the correct form of will. Use the short form.
a. ___________ you meet me at the conference center at 3 p.m.?
b. ___________ they have a meeting today?
c. ___________ we go to the park tomorrow?
d. ___________ it rain tomorrow?
e. ___________ she call you tomorrow?
f. ___________ you pick me up at the airport at 6 p.m.?
g. ___________ we have class tomorrow?

9. Complete the sentences with the correct form of will. Use the negative form.
a. We ___________ not meet at the conference center at 3 p.m.
b. I ___________ not be able to meet you until 4 p.m.
c. They ___________ not have a meeting today.
d. We ___________ not go to the park tomorrow.
e. It ___________ not rain tomorrow.
f. I ___________ not pick you up at the airport at 6 p.m.
g. She ___________ not call you tomorrow.
h. We ___________ not have class tomorrow.

10. Complete the questions with the correct form of will. Use the negative form.
a. ___________ you not meet me at the conference center at 3 p.m.?
b. ___________ they not have a meeting today?
c. ___________ we not go to the park tomorrow?
d. ___________ it not rain tomorrow?
e. ___________ she not call you tomorrow?
f. ___________ you not pick me up at the airport at 6 p.m.?
g. ___________ we not have class tomorrow?

Abrir Ejercicios Futuro Simple Ingles – PDF

Ejercicios Ingles Futuro Simple PDF