Ejercicios I Am Going To Ingles

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Teoria – Explicacion y Ejemplos Ingles I Am Going To

I am going to es una expresión que se usa para hablar de planes futuros. A menudo se traduce como «voy a». Sin embargo, esta no es la única forma de traducir esta expresión. Otros ejemplos son «seré», «seré capaz de», «estaré haciendo».

La forma correcta de usar esta expresión es seguida de un verbo en infinitivo. Por ejemplo:

I am going to study English tonight. I am going to be a doctor. I am going to have a baby.

Tenga en cuenta que el verbo que sigue a «I am going to» debe estar en infinitivo sin «to». Esto significa que el verbo no debe tener ningún sufijo, como «-ed» o «-ing».

La forma «I am going to» se puede usar para hablar de planes inmediatos o futuros. Por ejemplo, si acabas de decidir que vas a hacer algo, puedes usar esta forma:

I am going to buy a new car. I am going to go to the movies.

También se puede usar para hablar de planes a largo plazo. Por ejemplo:

I am going to have a baby next year. I am going to move to New York.

A veces, la forma «I am going to» se usa para hablar de la probabilidad de que algo suceda. Por ejemplo:

It’s raining. I am going to get wet. I am going to pass my exams.

Ejercicios con soluciones de Ingles I Am Going To

I am going to is one of the most important verb phrases in English. If you can master it, you can ask questions and make statements with confidence. This lesson will teach you how to use «I am going to» correctly.

I am going to: Introduction

The phrase «I am going to» is used to describe future plans or intentions. For example:

  • I am going to study English tonight.
  • I am going to go to the movies tomorrow.
  • I am going to buy a new car next month.

As you can see, «I am going to» can be used to talk about plans in the future. It can also be used to make predictions about the future.

I am going to: Making predictions

We often use «I am going to» to make predictions about the future. For example:

  • I think it is going to rain tonight.
  • I am going to fail my English test.
  • I am not going to get the job.

As you can see, we can use «I am going to» to talk about things that we think will happen in the future. We can also use it to talk about things that we think will not happen in the future.

I am going to: Questions

We can also use «I am going to» to ask questions about future plans. For example:

  • What are you going to do tonight?
  • Where are you going to go on vacation?
  • When are you going to get a new car?

As you can see, we can use «I am going to» to ask questions about future plans. We can also use it to make statements about future plans.

I am going to: Summary

The phrase «I am going to» is a very important verb phrase in English. It can be used to talk about future plans or intentions. It can also be used to make predictions about the future. And it can be used to ask questions about future plans.

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