Ejercicios Ingles What Are They Doing

Ejercicios What Are They Doing Ingles PDF

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Teoria – Explicacion y Ejemplos What Are They Doing Ingles

What are they doing? This is a question we often ask ourselves in many different situations. We use it to find out what people are doing, why they’re doing it, and whether or not we should be doing it too.

Here are some example sentences of «what are they doing?» in use:

Q: What are they doing? A: They’re playing soccer. Q: What are they doing? A: They’re having a party. Q: What are they doing? A: They’re studying for their exams.

Ejercicios con soluciones de Ingles What Are They Doing

Ejercicios para completar con soluciones de Ingles What Are They Doing?

En esta lección, aprenderemos a usar el verbo to do para hablar de lo que están haciendo otras personas. Aprenderemos también a usar el presente continuo para hablar de acciones que están ocurriendo en este momento.

Ejercicio 1

Completa las frases con el verbo to do en el tiempo correcto. Utiliza el presente simple o el presente continuo.

1. They drink cola. (presente simple)

2. She watches TV. (presente simple)

3. We go to the park. (presente simple)

4. I play the piano. (presente simple)

5. You speak English. (presente simple)

6. He writes a letter. (presente simple)

7. They are drinking cola. (presente continuo)

8. She is watching TV. (presente continuo)

9. We are going to the park. (presente continuo)

10. I am playing the piano. (presente continuo)

11. You are speaking English. (presente continuo)

12. He is writing a letter. (presente continuo)

Ejercicio 2

Escribe frases usando el verbo to do y el presente simple o el presente continuo. Utiliza las palabras entre paréntesis.

1. What are you doing? (I / write a letter)

I am writing a letter.

2. What is he doing? (he / play the piano)

He is playing the piano.

3. What are they doing? (they / drink cola)

They are drinking cola.

4. What is she doing? (she / watch TV)

She is watching TV.

5. What are we doing? (we / go to the park)

We are going to the park.

6. What are you doing? (you / speak English)

You are speaking English.

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Ejercicios What Are They Doing Ingles PDF