Ejercicios Ingles Who Which Where Whose – PDF

Ejercicios Ingles Who Which Where Whose PDF

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Teoria – Explicacion y Ejemplos Ingles Who Which Where Whose

Who, which, where, and whose are all relative pronouns. A relative pronoun is a pronoun that introduces an adjective clause. An adjective clause is a type of dependent clause that modifies a noun in the main clause. In other words, adjective clauses usually come immediately after the nouns they modify.

The relative pronouns who, which, where, and whose can refer to people or things. Here are some examples:


Who is a relative pronoun that refers to people. It can be the subject or object of a verb in an adjective clause. For example,

The man who lives next door is a doctor.

Who can also be used as an interrogative pronoun to ask questions about people. For example,

Who lives next door?

Who is a subject pronoun, and whom is an object pronoun. They are both used to refer to people. (The pronoun whom is not used as often as the pronoun who.)


Which is a relative pronoun that refers to things. It can be the subject or object of a verb in an adjective clause. For example,

I read the book which you recommended.

Which can also be used as an interrogative pronoun to ask questions about things. For example,

Which book did you read?


Where is a relative pronoun that refers to places. It can be the subject or object of a verb in an adjective clause. For example,

Do you know the restaurant where we had our first date?

Where can also be used as an interrogative pronoun to ask questions about places. For example,

Where is the restaurant?


Whose is a relative pronoun that shows possession. It can be the subject or object of a verb in an adjective clause. For example,

Do you know the woman whose car was stolen?

Whose can also be used as an interrogative pronoun to ask questions about possession. For example,

Whose car was stolen?

Here are some more examples of adjective clauses:

The novel which I am reading is very interesting.

I know the boy who stole your bike.

The woman whose car was stolen is a friend of mine.

Do you know the way to the library, which is located on Main Street?

The restaurant where we had our first date was very romantic.

Ejercicios con soluciones de Ingles Who Which Where Whose

Who, which, where, whose are known as interrogative pronouns. They are used to make asking questions easier and less repetitive in English. Below are some examples of how to use these interrogative pronouns correctly in a sentence.


Who is the best player on the team?

I don’t know who you are.


Which team do you support?

I can’t decide which dress to buy.


Where did you put my keys?

Let’s meet at the park, where we can play some tennis.


Whose laptop is this?

I don’t know whose house this is.

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Ejercicios Who Which Where Whose Ingles PDF