Indice de contenidos del Solucionario del Libro Ingles Big Brigth Ideas Oxford 1 Primaria:
Unidad 1: Let’s meet
1.1 How are you?
1.2 Nice to meet you
1.3 This is my friend
1.4 What’s your name?
1.5 How old are you?
1.6 What’s the date today?
1.7 What day is it today?
1.8 What’s the weather like today?
1.9 Goodbye!
Unidad 2: In my house
2.1 Where do you live?
2.2 I live in a house
2.3 This is my room
2.4 Where’s the bathroom?
2.5 In the kitchen
2.6 There is / There are
2.7 Prepositions of place: in, on, under, behind, in front of
2.8 Possessive adjectives
Unidad 3: Food
3.1 What’s your favourite food?
3.2 I like …
3.3 I don’t like …
3.4 Do you like …?
3.5 Yes, I do. / No, I don’t.
3.6 Is this …? / Is that …?
3.7 What’s this? / What’s that?
3.8 I’d like …, please.
3.9 This is …
3.10 That’s …
Unidad 4: Clothes
4.1 What are you wearing?
4.2 I’m wearing …
4.3 Prepositions of clothing: in, on, under
4.4 Possessive adjectives
4.5 Possessive ‘s
4.6 There is / There are
Unidad 5: Toys
5.1 Do you have a …?
5.2 Yes, I have. / No, I don’t have.
5.3 How many … do you have?
5.4 I have …
5.5 This is my …
5.6 That’s your …
5.7 Possessive adjectives
5.8 Possessive ‘s
Unidad 6: Colours
6.1 What colour is it?
6.2 It’s …
6.3 I like …
Unidad 7: In the park
7.1 Let’s go to the park!
7.2 Look! There’s a …
7.3 A cat / An elephant
7.4 It’s a …
7.5 I can see a …
7.6 Possessive adjectives
7.7 Possessive ‘s
7.8 There is / There are
Unidad 8: Families
8.1 Who’s that?
8.2 It’s my …
8.3 This is my family
8.4 Sing a song!
8.5 How many people are there in your family?
8.6 There are … people in my family
8.7 Possessive adjectives
8.8 Possessive ‘s
Unidad 9: In the classroom
9.1 Let’s go to school!
9.2 This is my schoolbag
9.3 What’s in your schoolbag?
9.4 I have got …
9.5 Prepositions of place: in, on, under
9.6 There is / There are
9.7 Possessive adjectives
Unidad 10: Numbers
10.1 Cardinal numbers: 0-100
10.2 Ordinal numbers: first, second, third, fourth, …
10.3 One, two, three, four, five, …
10.4 I can count to …
10.5 How old are you?
10.6 I’m …
Unidad 11: In the city
11.1 Let’s go for a walk!
11.2 Where are we?
11.3 We’re in the …
11.4 There is / There are
11.5 Possessive adjectives
11.6 Prepositions of place: in, on, under, in front of, behind, next to
Unidad 12: Sports
12.1 What sports do you like?
12.2 I like …
12.3 Let’s play …
12.4 I can …
12.5 Can you …?
12.6 Yes, I can. / No, I can’t.
12.7 I can’t …
Unidad 13: The zoo
13.1 Let’s go to the zoo!
13.2 Look! There’s a …
13.3 A lion / A tiger
13.4 It’s a …
13.5 I can see a …
13.6 Possessive adjectives
13.7 Possessive ‘s
13.8 There is / There are
Unidad 14: Farm animals
14.1 Let’s go to the farm!
14.2 Look! There’s a …
14.3 A horse / A cow
14.4 It’s a …
14.5 I can see a …
14.6 Possessive adjectives
14.7 Possessive ‘s
14.8 There is / There are
Unidad 15: At the seaside
15.1 Let’s go to the beach!
15.2 Look! There’s a …
15.3 A crab / A starfish
15.4 It’s a …
15.5 I can see a …
15.6 Possessive adjectives
15.7 Possessive ‘s
15.8 There is / There are
Unidad 16: Actions
16.1 What are you doing?
16.2 I’m …-ing
16.3 Verb to be: am, is, are
16.4 Verb to have got: have, has
16.5 Present simple: affirmative
16.6 Present simple: negative
16.7 Present simple: questions
16.8 Verb to be: questions and short answers
16.9 Verb to have got: questions and short answers
16.10 Present simple: spelling of -s and -es
Unidad 17: In the garden
17.1 Let’s go to the garden!
17.2 Look! There’s a …
17.3 A butterfly / A snail
17.4 It’s a …
17.5 I can see a …
17.6 Possessive adjectives
17.7 Possessive ‘s
17.8 There is / There are
Unidad 18: Adjectives
18.1 Adjectives to describe people
18.2 Adjectives to describe things
18.3 Adjectives to describe places
18.4 Adjectives to describe actions
18.5 Adjectives to describe feelings
Unidad 19: At home
19.1 Where’s the remote control?
19.2 It’s on the …
19.3 Prepositions of place: on, in, under
19.4 There is / There are
19.5 Possessive adjectives
Unidad 20: At school
20.1 Where’s the teacher’s book?
20.2 It’s on the …
20.3 Prepositions of place: on, in, under
20.4 There is / There are
20.5 Possessive adjectives
20.6 Possessive ‘s
Unidad 21: In the park
21.1 Where are the birds?
21.2 They’re in the …
21.3 Prepositions of place: in, on, under
21.4 There is / There are
21.5 Possessive adjectives
21.6 Possessive ‘s
Unidad 22: Farm animals
22.1 Where are the cows?
22.2 They’re in the …
22.3 Prepositions of place: in, on, under
22.4 There is / There are
22.5 Possessive adjectives
22.6 Possessive ‘s
Unidad 23: At the seaside
23.1 Where are the shells?
23.2 They’re on the …
23.3 Prepositions of place: on, in, under
23.4 There is / There are
23.5 Possessive adjectives
23.6 Possessive ‘s
Unidad 24: Actions
24.1 What are they doing?
24.2 They’re …-ing
24.3 Verb to be: am, is, are
24.4 Verb to have got: have, has
24.5 Present simple: affirmative
24.6 Present simple: negative
24.7 Present simple: questions
24.8 Verb to be: questions and short answers
24.9 Verb to have got: questions and short answers
24.10 Present simple: spelling of -s and -es
Unidad 25: In the garden
25.1 Where are the flowers?
25.2 They’re behind the …
25.3 Prepositions of place: behind, in front of, next to
25.4 There is / There are
25.5 Possessive adjectives
25.6 Possessive ‘s
Unidad 26: At home
26.1 Where’s the lamp?
26.2 It’s next to the …
26.3 Prepositions of place: behind, in front of, next to
26.4 There is / There are
26.5 Possessive adjectives
Unidad 27: At school
27.1 Where’s the blackboard?
27.2 It’s in front of the …
Soluciones del Libro Ingles Big Brigth Ideas Oxford 1 Primaria Photocopiable PDF
¿Qué es y cómo se usa el Solucionario del Libro Ingles Big Bright Ideas Oxford 1 Primaria Photocopiable PDF
El Solucionario del Libro Ingles Big Bright Ideas Oxford 1 Primaria es una herramienta muy útil para ayudar a los niños a aprender inglés. Se trata de un libro que contiene todas las respuestas de los ejercicios del libro de texto de inglés para niños de primer grado de primaria Big Bright Ideas Oxford 1.
Este solucionario es una gran ayuda para los niños ya que les permite ver de forma clara y sencilla las respuestas correctas a todos los ejercicios del libro de texto. Así, podrán comprobar si han hecho bien los ejercicios y, en caso de que no, saber qué es lo que deben mejorar.
Además, el Solucionario del Libro Ingles Big Bright Ideas Oxford 1 Primaria les ayudará a los niños a familiarizarse con el vocabulario y la gramática del inglés, ya que cada respuesta está explicada de forma clara y concisa.
En definitiva, el Solucionario del Libro Ingles Big Bright Ideas Oxford 1 Primaria es una herramienta muy útil para ayudar a los niños a aprender inglés de forma fácil y eficaz.