Ejercicios Still Yet Already Ingles

Ejercicios Still Yet Already Ingles PDF

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Teoria – Explicacion y Ejemplos Ingles Still Yet Already

Still, yet and already are words that we use to talk about time and actions that happen in the present, past and future. They can be difficult to choose the right one to use. In this article, we will look at the differences between these words and when to use them with examples.


We use still when something has not happened by a certain time, or when we are expecting something to happen. For example:

  • I still haven’t finished my homework.
  • She still hasn’t called me back.
  • We still haven’t decided where to go on vacation.
  • I still think you’re making a mistake.

We can also use still to talk about something that is continuing to happen. For example:

  • The baby is still crying.
  • The sun is still shining.
  • They still haven’t found a solution to the problem.


We use yet to talk about something that we expected to happen by now, but it hasn’t happened. For example:

  • I yet haven’t finished my homework.
  • She yet hasn’t called me back.
  • We yet haven’t decided where to go on vacation.
  • I yet think you’re making a mistake.

We can also use yet to talk about something that is continuing to happen. For example:

  • The baby is yet crying.
  • The sun is yet shining.
  • They yet haven’t found a solution to the problem.


We use already to talk about something that happened sooner than we expected, or before something else happens. For example:

  • I already finished my homework.
  • She already called me back.
  • We already decided where to go on vacation.
  • I already think you’re making a mistake.

We can also use already to talk about something that is continuing to happen. For example:

  • The baby is already crying.
  • The sun is already shining.
  • They already haven’t found a solution to the problem.

Ejercicios con soluciones de Ingles Still Yet Already

Hay muchos ejercicios de Ingles Still Yet Already que se pueden utilizar para mejorar tu fluidez y pronunciación. A continuación se muestran algunos ejercicios y sus respectivas soluciones.

Ejercicio 1: Completa la frase con la forma correcta de la palabra.

I ______ finished my homework yet.

Solución: I haven’t finished my homework yet.

Ejercicio 2: Completa la frase con la forma correcta de la palabra.

She ______ seen the new James Bond movie yet.

Solución: She hasn’t seen the new James Bond movie yet.

Ejercicio 3: Completa la frase con la forma correcta de la palabra.

Have you ______ read the new Harry Potter book yet?

Solución: Have you already read the new Harry Potter book yet?

Ejercicio 4: Completa la frase con la forma correcta de la palabra.

I ______ done my laundry yet.

Solución: I haven’t done my laundry yet.

Ejercicio 5: Completa la frase con la forma correcta de la palabra.

She ______ made dinner yet.

Solución: She hasn’t made dinner yet.

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Ejercicios Still Yet Already Ingles PDF